hello ppl
My partner is in his mid 20s n he's jus losing hair.. his hairs thinning a lot and im scared he'll be going bald soon!!
he says its a genetic thing but its not really.. He's been using these natural figaro medications n shampoos n stuff that are supposed to be helping hair growth but i dont see a difference..
My hair is also thinning at the front.. but its not as serious as his.. but still id like a fuller head of hair!! and so is my mum by the way.. she's got so much less hair than she did when she was younger.. just wondering if anybody knows of any natural remedy or things we can do @ home to make all this hair grow back!
plz only suggest if ur sure.. we dont wanna go balder than we already are.. hahaha
Hair loss.. HELP!?
One of principal causes of loss is shampoos containing harsh harmful ingredients and medicated shampoos only make the problem worse. They are also the cause of dandruff, premature graying, inhibited growth and many more problems. Washing hair too frequently removes beneficial natural oils and harms scalp also is a cause of loss. We are seeing a hair loss epidemic in both males and females and it楹搒 occurring at ever younger ages - as young as 14 and 15. I found this NATURAL, safe and low cost treatment that gives remarkable results - it stops the loss almost straight away. Scalp needs stimulation to clear blocked hair ducts, remove dead follicles so it can start producing strong, well anchored, thicker hair. Massage with natural oils, olive oil is excellent, and then brush vigorously (best with a short bristled palm held brush) so you feel it stimulating scalp (35 /45 strokes or more) preferably each day. A little shedding and some breakage occurs but only to begin with - quickly stops as hair gets anchored and stronger. Hair will grow faster, become thicker and It will also force new growth overtime (expect to see in about 2 months) My bald patch on the crown has completely regrown. Where it had receded at temples new growth was a slower process but I found, week by week, the hair line inched forward. (Initially the hairs are sparse then overtime become denser). Do at night and sleep with it that way and wash off in the morning (because of treatment - washing daily will not be detrimental). Keep up treatment and DON楹揟 BE AFRAID OF LOSING NEW GROWING HAIRS - THEY WILL RE-APPEAR EVEN STRONGER. Maintain a regular brushing and oiling routine and you will see even better results. Using this treatment you have to have patience and persevere day in day out but it truly works. .Also do a web search "Shampoos harmful?" MANY contain sodium laurel sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate and propylene glycol, all of which are harmful. First two are dangerous and both damage hair follicles and cause hair loss. They also harm eyes.- the eye stinging you get is telling you that. Fetuses subjected to these substances do not develop functioning eyes, and both can cause cataracts in adults. Propylene glycol another frequent ingredient and is a known skin irritant and is thought to cause mouth ulcers. It also damages the kidneys and liver. Do a web search for safe, non harming products for hair and skin. Balding tends to be genetic. My father, two younger brothers and some of their offspring all had severe hair loss problems, some became totally bald. I truly believe this treatment has saved me from the same fate.
SOURCE(S): 20 +years of research and self experimentation using natural treatments to correct skin, hair and scalp disorders
Hair loss.. HELP!?
My best friend and my brother are suffering hair loss problems, the best way they solve their problems is to visit specialist, it's cost a fortune, but it's works. Make an appointment for consultation.
Hair loss.. HELP!?
Your partner being male and having it genetically has MPB (Male Pattern Baldness). Natural Figaro medication and shampoo are SCAMS. It doesn't work.
I would recommend he visit a doctor to check if he can take Propecia as it is the only thing that can stop hairloss. He can also use Minoxidil 5% to boost hair growth and use Nizoral 2% once or twice a week to stimulate the scalp.
Note that NOTHING else works only these three. But the most important one is the Propecia. (Durateride is still under testing). And he needs to take this as soon as possible as dead hair follicles DO NOT regrow hair.
Note that these meds are ONLY for men. Do not take them yourself. And note that there are some side effects and side effects do vary. For me, a lower sex drive is the only side effect i got and hair growth.
For you, it could be a vitamin deficiency. Check with your doc to make sure as for women, it is not common to lose hair since there is not enough testosterone to cause DHT (hair loss).
Hair loss.. HELP!?
One of the best exercise which can be done at anytime while travelling or sitting idle is to rub your nail of one hand with another hand nail.
Also you can contact swami ramdevji for further clarification by sarching his website. Today he is famous Yoga Guru and has taught yoga in uk, usa, india, south africa and continents.
Hair loss.. HELP!?
Don't panic.
I'd try a few vitamins such as Vitamin A and Biotin.
It's cheap, chemical free and by the way, people say that Propecia is based on Vitamin A.
Try this link for more information: http://www.vitaminbag.com/vitamins/vitam...
Hair loss.. HELP!?
Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods. Check out
http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.
Hair loss.. HELP!?
Follow this URL. This company provides you with a free DVD on medical hair restoration. You can do it yourself with the help of this DVD
Hair loss.. HELP!?
My sister using Avelon, seems like quite effective for her...
(I just found it there, nothing to do with Obama I guess)...:-)
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