Thursday, June 17, 2010

Should I grow out my hair, if it is really thin?

The hair in th ecrown area is especially thin, I want to grow out my bangs, but am wondering if I should just leave them since my hair is so thin. You can see my scalp, especially when my hair is parted. Also, what would be some good ways to put my bangs, while they grow out, that do not make the thinness stand out.

Should I grow out my hair, if it is really thin?

If your hair is really thin it is better to cut it in steps so it will look better and healthier, but if you grow it out it will look thiner than it really is and it will also look very unhealthy.

You can try wraping your hair every night before you go to sleep or setting it to help thicken it.

You can try commbing your bang to the side.Trust me coz my hear is thin too and it is working for me.

Should I grow out my hair, if it is really thin?

Growing your hair out if it is thin runs the risk of getting severe split ends and damage, plus many a tangle. I'd go for a shorter look. Hair always grows back. If you really feel like growing it out though, I'd suggest darkening it and getting volumizing shampoo. They should allow your hair to appear thicker.

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