If there is could u give a link explaining it? is there a name for it? are there some examples? and anything else u think would help me out. Thanks!
Is there a haircut that makes your hair thinner?
Getting layers makes your hair alot thinner.
Also, there is just regular thinning. It's a razor that they slide up and down your hair. Sometimes it creates frizz, personally, i stick with the layers.
Layers gives a more edgyer look.
Is there a haircut that makes your hair thinner?
get it cut %26amp; put a straightening perm in it.it will be flat on your head.
Is there a haircut that makes your hair thinner?
I used to have extremely thick hair, but i got it thinned. They way it works is the hairdresser used a tool that looks like a pair of scissors and cuts your hair right through were ever you want it thinned. But, only a few hairs are cut making it thinner. Ask you hairdresser to thin your hair. My hair is wayy better now. Hope I helped.
Is there a haircut that makes your hair thinner?
it's just called thinning out your hair. you can ask for this at the salon and they'll use thinning scissors or shears to do it. you may still need to cut your hair, such as in layers or whatever, and then get your hair thinned out as well.
here are some links that you may find helpful:
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