Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thinning scissors\shears (male)!?

I'm thinking about making my hair a bit thinner. My hair is VERY thick. It's 2.5 inches long and it's black. Am I ready to go to a barber shop and have them use thinning shears? I don't want it extremely thinned out, but just to the point where it doesn't look frizzy and big. Think it could work out?

Any past experiences with having your hair thinned with these shears? Thanks.

Thinning scissors\shears (male)!?

I am Male, I have always had very thick hair.

I always have it thinned with the thinning scissors EVERY time I have my hair cut.

These thinning shears only clip out a dispersed amount of hair and it can not be seen as thinned out.

It just seems a lot lighter in weight and cooler in temperature in the summer.

Try it, You will be the only one who knows it has been done,

No one else will be able to tell

Thinning scissors\shears (male)!?

well im a female but this is my shouldnt have you hair cut by shears they damage your hair very badly you should just get them cut by scissors. The only way you can use shears is if you have it done by professionals ya know the super expensive ones i mean like the ones that charge 80 dollar haircuts and 100 dollars for hair dying and all that crap thats where i had my hair sheard and it didnt get damaged like all the other places did. i know it might not matter since your a guy cause most of the guys i know dont care if their hair gets damaged. but trust me if it gets damaged itll get more frizzier.

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